Monday, November 3, 2008

Recap | National African American Conference Call with Barack Obama

The African American National Conference Call was held this morning, and its goal was to bring together key, African American figures together on the eve of what can turn out to be a historic day in our nation’s history. I called in at about 10:15am, and waited about 5 minutes before the conference actually started.

Rick Wade, senior adviser to the Obama campaign, facilitated the entire call, and started off by giving a brief history of Obama’s accomplishments during the past 21 months. It was nice, but to be honest, I was too excited to hear who would speak next, so I didn’t pay much attention to what he said.

He then introduced Jim Clyburn, and I was tickled pink! I was actually on the phone (even though he couldn’t hear me) with the House Majority Whip! He spoke briefly about what he’s seen in the past 21 months, and how this election has shaped African American voters, particularly in the south. Donna Brazile then picked up, and elaborated on the amazing voter turnout for African American in the south, and she wanted to alert everyone to doublecheck their registration.

At this point, I was talking to my girl, Aura, from AllThatsFab, and before we knew it, Diddy was on the call!!! OMG! I couldn’t believe it. Granted…he was clearly reading his speech, but nonetheless, I was on the phone with Diddy. He continued to urge young, black voters to continue making change, and he wanted to take the time to commend young voters as a way of boosting their morale. He was in Florida yesterday along side Beyonce, Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, and Kevin Lyles as they continue to encourage everyone to vote. They are scheduled to appear in Ohio today.

Valerie Jared spoke next, and she offered similar advice as Donna Brazile, and I was still on my Diddy moment…and before I knew it, Barack Obama was on the call! YES, THE BARACK OBAMA!!! You could tell that he wasn’t reading his speech, and I became as starstruck as I would if I were to see him in person at that very moment. He summarized by saying that he is so proud by all of the efforts everyone has made towards this change, and now it is up to everyone to make sure that we ALL get out to the poles tomorrow. He closed by saying, “Tomorrow is a test of how much determination we are willing to display. We need to march. And we need to encourage everyone single person we know to march to the poles tomorrow. In 36 hours, we can be the change!”

Before I got a chance to re cooperate from Barack (yes I can now call him by his first name since we were on the phone…) and Diddy, OPRAH was on the phone. Aura and I started screaming, and I was frantically G-chatting both she and DCFab! Girl. I couldn’t believe I was on the phone with Oprah! She’s so eloquent and articulate…it literally almost takes your breath away and no I’m not hyping it! She started off by talking about how she created this visionary board and visualized Barack Obama being President. You could hear the dedication in her voice…it was almost overwhelming. Here are some other key quotes from Oprah herself:

"Nobody should go to vote alone tomorrow”

“Watching him rise to this moment...has given the people of this country to believe we can be the best that we can be..."

“He's a unifier from the moment we heard him speak of bringing together red and blue states..."

I’m still in awe as I write this….

Rev. Joseph Lowery closed off the call on a spiritual note. He stated that he had not been this spiritually moved since he preached his first sermon in 1947. He urged everyone to keep faith in GOD, and enjoy this spiritual experience.All in all, I am sooo happy that I called in because it just gave me a brand new perspective on this movement for change. Although this call included only African American key figures, the message was still the same. They want to encourage all of us … black, white, yellow, purple, or gold, to go to the polls tomorrow to be that CHANGE we seek!!!!


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