Who: Aaron Douglas ~ One of the most influential artists of the Harlem Renaissance
When: Saturday, September 13
Time: 11am- 6pm
Where: Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture @ The New York Public Library (515 Malcolm X Boulevard)
11:30 AM - Historic walking tours of Harlem by Harlem Heritage Tours. This tour will take you through the Harlem of Aaron Douglas and other luminaries of the Harlem Renaissance era.
2:00 PM -A puppet show, Can You Spell Harlem? by Schroeder Cherry. Can You Spell Harlem? tells the story is about a young boy who gets caught rapping in school and is embarrassed when he can't name any artists from the Harlem Renaissance. Through interaction with extended family members he learns about artists, writers and musicians who were active in the Harlem Renaissance.
3:30 PM - repeat of 11:30am tour
4:00 PM - An art workshop by renowned author and illustrator, Bryan Collier with hands-on activities such as collage. Brian Collier is the author of Uptown and illustrator of Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope and Visiting Langston.
Click here to read NY Time article on Aaron Douglas
Click here to visit the official Schomburg Center website.