Friday, September 26, 2008

9.26| Word of Mouth Fab | Where is DJ Kast One???

Yea its tru...I'm slightly bias sometimes, but I can't help if I have favs. favorite NYC DJ will be all ova the city this weekend, and if opportunity presents itself (::cough cough kast lol::), NYFab! may be in the building at some point.

Friday, Sept 26 - Tonic Times Sq. (727 7th Ave)

Sat, Sept 27 - Runway NYC (4E 28th St.) & Duvet (45 W. 21st St)

Sun, Sept 28 - Suzy Wong's (547 W. 27th St) w/ 3 THE HARD WAY- DJ KAST ONE, DJ BOBBY TRENDS AND DJ BIG BEN LIVE!

Kast be killin' it so I'm sure you'll have a fab! time :)


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