Last night, Linsey, a NYFab! Correspondent, and I made our way down to the East Village to attend Jon B's welcome back party at Room Service (35 E. 21st St). When I first saw the door we were going into I was a bit skeptical but this is a niceeeee venue. People were looking pretty fly...although most of the men in there were probably pushing 35 or older. Either way, it looked like most came straight from work and/or got jiggy for Jon B.

By 8:15 the cameras started flashing and we headed to the bar to get drinks. Then we sat down...and waited....and waited...and on Facebook mobile (lol)...waited some more...and finally at 9:30 I looked up on the stage and Jon B was standing right there! (I guess you can tell he's not really big anymore cause one chick asked me who he was and what he does...)
I didn't even recognize him. Jon B had that "puerto rican but I'm really white look". Not anymore! He was lookin' fresh but I wasn't feelin' the new hair and he lost maddddd weight. I was hoping for a throwback concert, but it was a no-go. Still, the crowd did go crazy when "They Don't Know" came on...

All in all, it was a nice evening because the DJ played all my old jams... "It Feels Good" by Tony Toni Tone, "I Miss You Much" by Janet Jackson, etc. The people were cool and the ambiance was nice and very chill. It was a great way to welcome back Jon B. (I just hope his music doesn't change just cause his look did). The event was supposedly from 8-11pm, but when we were leaving around 10:30, it looked like the party was really startin' to pop off.
Thanks toPatty Laurent for holdin' us down!!!
p.s. Does anyone know what the B stands for in Jon B.'s name???
p.s.s. He's married now...and I wanna hate but he was wearing his ring and since that's so rare these days, I gotta big him up :)